
Cancellation Policy

You will receive a full refund if you cancel your booking within 48 hours of booking, if the check-in date is at least 14 days away. A 50% refund will be made for cancellations made at least 7 days before check-in. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within 7 days of check-in. It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your notice of cancellation in time.

Guest Policy

You must be 18 years or over when you book the accommodation. We reserve the right to refuse to accept any Booking for whatever reason. We accept your Booking when we issue our Booking Confirmation email. 


You may arrive to collect your keys after 4pm (except if stated differently by us in writing) on the first day of your booking. Unless otherwise agreed, you must vacate the property and return your keys by 10 am on the last day of the Booking.


We expect the Apartment to be left in a reasonable state on departure, including rubbish being placed in rubbish bins, and soiled dishes being placed in the dishwasher or sink. If at our discretion, additional cleaning is required on departure, the cost of this cleaning will be charged as an Additional Charge.


UK legislation provides that smoking is not permitted in serviced apartments in accordance with clause 14. Anyone found using or under the influence of illegal drugs or substances classified under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) will be reported to the police and asked to leave the premises. Any evidence or suspicion of drug use in the Apartment will be reported immediately to the police.


No daily housekeeping service is provided – while linens and bath towels are included in the unit, daily maid service is not available. We do not permit towels or linens to be taken from the apartment.


A weekly housekeeping service can be provided for long-term stays at an additional cost.


Any booking obtained under false pretence will be subject to forfeiture of advance payment, deposit and/or rental money, and the party will not be permitted to check-in.


Pets are not permitted in any of our Apartments.